Sport Maniac

About Sport Maniac

Do you think golfing is different from swimming?
     if so, shouldn’t the conditioning program be different?

Likewise, if you’ve had a back injury, or if your hamstrings are tight, don’t you think your exercises should be a bit different than someone who doesn’t have a back injury or tight hamstrings?

When teaching your muscles to become stronger, wouldn’t you want to use a physiological basis for progressing your program?

Do you want to spend your conditioning time in the most effective and efficient way?

Every athlete knows it takes heart, skill and hard work to be their very best. It also takes behind-the-scene conditioning. Every sport – and indeed every position within a sport - has specific skill requirements and unique motor requirements. Additionally, every athlete enters a conditioning program with her/his own baseline of strength, flexibility and overall physiological make-up. As a matter of fact, 92% of the athletes in our pilot tests had some weakness or tightness that the computer program took into consideration when developing the athlete’s conditioning program!

So, when you approach your conditioning program, make certain you do so wisely. Make certain your program is geared to be effective, efficient and to optimize your performance.

The Sport Maniac adds Brains to your Brawn –
     We’ll optimize your conditioning program for your specific needs --

What is Sport Maniac?

The Sport Maniac delivers customized, sport-specific fitness programs via a patented computer program through an interactive Web Site.

The athlete's sport, goals, age, height and weight are entered into the Web Site. Optional information that the athlete may choose to enter includes medical history. strength, flexibility, functional measurements, and psychological exercise profile. Thus the fitness program takes into consideration not just the sport specific requirements, but also can be adjusted for an individual's baseline strength and flexibility as well as to the athlete's exercise personality.

The athlete's customized fitness program is then delivered through the Internet. The athlete tracks his/her actual performance of their fitness program on the Web. At the end of each 4-week period, the athlete receives graphs of his/her strength improvements along with his/her fitness program for the next four weeks.

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